Attention Washington Residents and Owners: State Considers 7% Capital Gains Tax, B&O Tax Increase, and Graduated Real Estate Taxes
In order to balance the state budget, the House Democrats & the Governor introduced HB 2186/SB 5929, new state capital gains tax of 7% and other tax increases to include:
1. New State Capital Gains 7% Tax:
- Sale of real-estate, commercial, industrial and residential rental (exempts your home, certain pensions, agricultural land and property)
- Sales of stocks and bonds, gold and silver, other precious metals
- IMPACTS: Sale of business, real-estate property and stocks and bonds, etc. It’s taxing your investment pension.
2. B&O Tax Increases: 20% increases – 1.5% to 1.8%
- 1.50: Services: property management, realtors, architect, accounting, window washers, legal, janitorial, and engineers, etc.
- 0.471: Retailing: contractors, restaurants, clothing, Costco, Nordstrom, etc.
- 0.484: Subcontractors, wholesale and manufacturing, etc.
- 1.63: Private Nontribal Gambling: “Contest of chance” (card rooms)
3. New: Graduated Real Estate Excise Taxes (Now 1.28%):
- 0.75: Selling price is less than 250K
- 1.28: Selling price is $250K to $1 million
- 2.0: Selling price is $1 million to $5 million
- 2.5: Selling price is $5 million and above
You’re invited to contact your two house of representative members and one senator (call and follow-up with an email) to let them know your position on HB 2186 and SB 5929.
You can locate your lawmaker at the following “District Finder” link:
You can find their contact information at the following:
Courtesy: Manufactured Housing Communities of Washington 1-(800) 345-5608