Backyard Cottages Get Green Light as Washington State Senate Passes ADU Bill
The Washington Observer reports today that the concept of increasing the availability of accessory dwelling units (ADUs) has been among the most popular this year with legislators expressing interest in permitting homeowners to construct smaller homes on their properties.
House Bill 1337 seeks to promote the development of backyard cottages and mother-in-law apartments in areas where they are currently prohibited. These structures, limited to 1,000 square feet and 24 feet in height, have arguably become the most popular housing initiative this year. On Thursday, the Senate passed the bill with a 39-7 vote.
According to the Observer, HB 1337 is likely the most assertive ADU bill proposed this session even with competition from similar proposals. A noteworthy development in HB 1337 occurred on Thursday when Sen. Liz Lovelett, D-Anacortes, introduced a modification that reversed previous amendments that would have enabled local governments to impose parking requirements, potentially obstructing ADU growth.