City of Portland Releases Better Housing By Design Draft – Comments Due June 12, 2018

City of Portland Releases Better Housing By Design Draft – Comments Due June 12, 2018

What’s in the Proposed Draft?

The Proposed Draft includes proposals for major changes to how zoning code regulations shape development in the multi-dwelling zones.  The proposals:

  • Regulate development intensity by the size of buildings, instead of the number of units, to expand housing options.
  • Add incentives for affordable housing.
  • Allow for small commercial uses along major corridors.
  • Include requirements for “visitable” units so that more housing can be accessed by people of all ages and abilities.
  • Require shared outdoor spaces like courtyards for larger projects.
  • Encourage innovative green features and tree preservation.
  • Limit front garages and surface parking.
  • Shape building scale and setbacks to integrate development with neighborhoods.
  • Apply standards for East Portland for better design suited to the area’s characteristics.

The proposed code changes will help ensure that new development in the multi-dwelling zones better meets the needs of current and future residents, and contributes to the positive qualities of the places where they are built.

Click here to preview or download the executive summary and staff report.

Click here to visit the City of Portland website for additional documents and information.

How to Testify

At a public hearing …
You can testify directly to the Planning and Sustainability Commission at a public hearing:

Tuesday, June 12, 2018, 5 p.m.
PCC Southeast Campus, Community Hall Annex
2305 SE 82nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon

Submit written testimony to the Planning and Sustainability Commission by June 12, 2018, at 5 p.m. (you must include your name and address) …

Use the Map App:

Select Better Housing by Design and click on the “Testify” button. Testifying in the Map App is as easy as sending an email. And once you press “submit,” you can see your testimony in the Testimony Reader in real time. You can also read other people’s testimony.

By U.S. Mail:
Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission
Better Housing by Design Testimony
1900 SW 4th, Suite 7100
Portland, Oregon 97201.

Questions?Call 503-823-0195. Interpretation services available.

You can also e-mail staff at or visit the project website:

Bill Cunningham | Better Housing by Design Project ManagerPortland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability

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