City of Portland Releases Draft URM Placard and Tenant Notice and Ordinance for Adoption 8/16/18

City of Portland Releases Draft URM Placard and Tenant Notice and Ordinance for Adoption 8/16/18

On June 13th, the City Council asked City staff to draft an ordinance requiring URM owners to place a placard on buildings that have not been retrofitted to prevent a collapse in a major earthquake and notify tenants. Attached is a draft of the proposed ordinance along with a summary of the proposed changes to Title 24.85 which contain these provisions.
The Bureau of Development Services (BDS) will be providing this information to the Development Review Advisory Committee (DRAC) at their regular meeting this Thursday, August 16th, from approximately 9:15-9:35 AM. (please see the attached agenda).  Please note that due to limited time and accommodations, it will not be possible to take questions or public testimony at this meeting beyond the time allotted in the agenda.
The City Council is tentatively expected to consider the ordinance at their meeting on September 12, 2018, where it is expected that public testimony will be accepted.  If you would like to provide comments in the meantime, please send an email to
If you receive this notice as a forward and want to be informed of future actions related to URMs, you can email a request to  For questions about the ordinance, please contact Amit Kumar ( or Nancy Thorington ( with BDS.
Mark Fetters, Sr. Management Analyst
City of Portland, Bureau of Development Services
(503) 823-1028
Hours: Mon. – Fri., 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
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