Clark County Tax Appeals Due Beginning August 7

Clark County Tax Appeals Due Beginning August 7

Many Washington State counties have mailed the Value Change Notices for the 2017 assessment for taxes payable in 2018. 
Appeal Deadlines
You have 60 days from the mailing date to file an appeal with the local board. 
  • The state and most counties offer a 60-day appeal window, but some only offer 30 days. 

City of Vancouver – Multifamily Abatement Program

The City of Vancouver has adopted abatement programs for new apartment construction depending on location. Developers and owners contemplating development should be aware of this program. Contact the City of Vancouver at (360) 487-8600 for details. See fact sheet. 
When considering your increase (and it will increase) the focus should be on whether the NOI supports the new value. While there is nothing wrong with trying to mitigate the value increase through an appeal, owners should be judicious with this approach.
Washington has a preference for using the sales comparison approach but also uses the income approach.

Some potential reasons to appeal your assessment
  • Your property has significant deferred maintenance or capital needs 
  • Your property has construction defects

Need help?

Contact your attorney or Christopher K. Robinson at (503) 635-9330 for assistance.

Read more.

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