Developer Tom Brenneke Discusses Roadblocks to New Housing in Portland
The Portland Tribune sat down with developer and landlord Tom Brenneke of Guardian Real Estate Services to discuss his resignation from the Portland Housing Advisory Committee, as well as his views on the state of housing in the City of Portland. Brenneke expressed frustration with a system that delays rather than expedites the delivery of new, much needed housing in the city. He also stated that the Housing Bureau and City Council rarely asked the Housing Advisory Committee to weigh in on relevant issues, including the Housing State of Emergency and inclusionary zoning. On the issue of development, Brenneke is frustrated by delays caused by neighborhood associations, the Portland Design Commission, and the Historic Landmark Commission. He believes projects go more smoothly when more specific community design standards apply, as they are much easier to understand and meet. Guardian Real Estate Services recently opened NAYA Generations in Lents, which will place foster children with grandparents in a cooperative setting run by the Native American Youth and Family Center. Read more.