Gov. Inslee Issues “Stay-at-Home” Executive Order

Gov. Inslee Issues “Stay-at-Home” Executive Order

Washington Governor Jay Inslee announced a Stay-at-Home order for the entire state, just hours after Governor Brown of Oregon issued a similar order. Inslee’s order is effective immediately and is scheduled to last until April 6th. Businesses deemed non-essential will have 48 hours to close and will not be allowed to open until April 8th. Activities permitted for Washington residents include:

  • Grocery shopping and ordering takeout
  • Attending medical appointments
  • Visiting pharmacies
  • Outdoor activities that allow for social distancing
  • Essential errands to gas stations, banks, food banks, and laundromats
  • Going to work if you’re employed by an essential business
Governor Inslee’s order includes a long and detailed list of which jobs are considered essential. These include emergency services, law enforcement, health care, manufacturing, child care, food & agriculture, transportation, finance, defense, media, and local government. Read more.
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