HFO-TV: Owner Concerns: Oregon HB 2639 – Rental Housing Assn. of Greater Portland (Phil Owen)

HFO-TV: Owner Concerns: Oregon HB 2639 – Rental Housing Assn. of Greater Portland (Phil Owen)

HFO Marketing Director Aaron Kirk Douglas interviews Phil Owen, past president of the Rental Housing Association of Greater Portland (RHAGP) regarding Oregon HB 2639 making Section 8 Renters (“Source of Income”) a Protected Class. Oregon property owners will no longer be able to broadly turn away prospective tenants because they receive federal rent assistance under a bill that passed the Oregon Senate on Monday.

“The new law, effective July 1, 2014, makes it illegal to discriminate against renters who use the federal Section 8 voucher program. Landlords can still turn down tenants for financial or other reasons, but the law will prohibit blanket “No Section 8″ policies that frequently accompany vacancy advertisements.” — The Oregonian