Houston, We Have A Solution: How Houston is Curbing Homelessness

Houston, We Have A Solution: How Houston is Curbing Homelessness

Last week, The Christian Science Monitor reported on how Houston, TX has been successful at curbing homelessness.
“Numerous studies have backed the effectiveness of a housing-first approach since cities began adopting it in the 1990s. One 2015 study found that over a 24-month period, people who participated in housing-first programs in four Canadian cities had stable housing 63% to 77% of the time, compared with 24% to 32% for people who received more traditional care.
“There is also a cost argument for housing first. Chronic homelessness costs the public $30,000 to $50,000 per person per year, compared with $20,000 per person for supportive housing, according to the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness.”
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