Local apartment manager plays Santa, pays for layaway items in the nick of time

Local apartment manager plays Santa, pays for layaway items in the nick of time

Donations by Sage Apartment
Communities totaling more than $71,000 were made to cover holiday items purchased
on layaway through December 19th at K-Mart Stores located at 440 NW Burnside
Road in Gresham and 12350 NE Sandy Blvd. in Portland.
“As a manager of more than 1,200 market-rate and low-income
housing units in the Gresham/Fairview area, we realized we couldn’t fit a bag
of presents down the chimney in every house this year—so we thought a random
act of kindness was in order, Sage President Amber Monte said. “Our team has
always found inspiration from those who volunteer to make a difference in the
lives of others, and it is in honor of their generosity that we made our gifts

Checks arrived at both stores via FedEx on Thursday, December 21. Store managers began calling customers to let them know Santa had arrived early. 
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