Oregon and Counties Receive $525 Million for Housing Assistance. Blogger Asks: Where has it Gone?
The Oregonian reported over the weekend that the state will stop taking rent assistance applications because it is running out of money. A local blogger is questioning what has happened to all the money and points to flaws in the story’s accuracy.
The Oregon Housing Blog reports there was incorrect information in this story by The Oregonian on rental housing assistance.
The Housing Blog states that Oregon has or will receive $360,826,176 in housing assistance. This amount is acknowledged in a media release from Oregon Housing and Community Services. (OHCS)
According to the Housing Blog:
“Neither the press release or the Oregonian story report who and what non-rental assistance activities are being funded with the remaining $71 million/20% of the total $360 million. [$360 million-$289 million [from press release]=$71 million/$360 million= 20%.
“The Oregonian Story Also Doesn’t Include $165 Million in Direct Local Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) Allocations, Bringing Total Oregon ERA Allocations to $525 million.
“That $525 million is $136 Million/ 82% More than the OHCS $289 Million in the Story.
“Missing from the Oregonian story is any reference to the direct TREASURY ERA local allocations to 6 counties and the City of Portland which total another $165 million. These allocation bring total Oregon ERA allocations, (excluding tribal allocations of another $21 million) to $525 million.”