Oregonian Editorial Board complains: “A developer could still plop a 40-unit complex in the middle of a dense urban space and not build a single parking space.”

The proposed amendments require one parking space per four dwelling units for developments of more than 40 units within 500 feet of Tri-met frequent service lines. Anything under 40 units would not require parking, and a 40-unit building would require between 5 and 10 parking spaces, depending on whether they implemented features that would allow them to lop off parking spaces.
Download a detailed PDF of these and other proposed changes from the City’s website at: http://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/434428
The March 12th public hearing is at 12:30 pm at 1900 SW 4th Avenue room 2500 A. (4th and SW Hall, near PSU).
If you’re not available to testify in person at the hearing, you can send comments on the proposed amendments by email to psc@portlandoregon.gov.
The Oregonian editorial board weighed in on the issue last week, arguing the proposal does not go far enough. The new standard for parking applies only to complexes with more than 40 units. “A developer could still plop a 40-unit complex in the middle of a dense urban space and not build a single parking space.” The editorial points out:
- The rules include many to dodge the minimum. Adding a few spaces for bikes and motorcycles, saving trees and including a little transit-friendly seating near the sidewalk, signing up with a car-sharing company, an 80-unit complex could drop its minimum requirement from 20 parking spaces to 5 or six.
- The city would allow developers to house their required parking spaces on nearby properties, making future redevelopment of those host properties more costly and complicated.
- The city continues to base minimal parking requirements on the availability of high-functioning and affordable public transit just as Tri-met continues to hike fares and chop service.
The State Land Use Board of Appeals halted construction of an 81-unit apartment building on SE Division in February. Neighbors had been complaining that it offered no parking spaces. Read more:
Low-car Portlanders sounded off on this issue on “Portland Afoot” in November
See more links to stories on this issue at:
See all of HFO’s current apartment buildings for sale, most with parking included! www.hfore.com.