Portland Announces Proposed Technical Changes to Relocation Fee Ordinance; Feedback due August 30.

Portland Announces Proposed Technical Changes to Relocation Fee Ordinance; Feedback due August 30.

The Portland Housing Bureau is releasing a draft of technical changes to the Mandatory Relocation Assistance Exemption Eligibility and Approval Process administrative rules.

HFO has reviewed these changes, and they do not appear to change the substance or intention of the law. Rather, they appear to clarify and reduce confusion by:

1)    Clarifying definitions
2)    Reducing some paperwork for nonprofits
3)    Increasing paperwork for most owners
4)    Clarifying processes
5)    Clarifying various requirements

The public is invited to testify on the technical changes of the proposed draft which you can view and download here.

Beginning Monday, July 22, 2019, you can submit testimony or feedback on the draft.

Testimony may be submitted via email, fax, letter, or in person at the public hearing (details below).

Written comments or testimony must be received by August 30, 2019 and must include a first and last name to be considered. 

  • Email your testimony to: RentalServices@portlandoregon.gov
  • Fax your testimony to: 503-823-2387
  • Mail your testimony to: PHB c/o Mandatory Relocation Assistance Exemption Eligibility and Approval Process, 421 SW 6th Ave, Suite 500 Portland, Oregon 97204
  • Testify in person at the public hearing: Thursday, August 8, 2019 from 6 – 8pm at
    IRCO – 10301 NE Glisan St, Portland, OR 97220

To request translation services at the hearing, contact Andrés Oswill at Andres.Oswill@portlandoregon.gov at least three business days prior to the hearing. If you have questions regarding the proposed rule changes or the rulemaking process, please contact the Relocation Assistance Rules Coordinator, Andrés Oswill, at Andres.Oswill@portlandoregon.gov. 

HFO Investment Real Estate specializes in multifamily brokerage sales and advisory services for commercial real estate investors and apartment owners throughout Oregon and Washington. Build your legacy at http://www.hfore.com