Portland Metro Apartment Vacancy Rates Remain Below National Average
REIS, a national real estate data service, reported April 21st that the national apartment vacancy rate in Q1 2008 increased by 20 basis points from 5.7% to 5.9%. REIS said this rise was due to seasonal adjustments and the continuing impact of shadow inventories of condos for rent in several metro areas. Nationally, REIS projects a slight additional increase in vacancies by the end of the year. Compared to the national average, Portland Metro fares much better, but has experienced a similar basis point increase in vacancies. The Metro Multifamily Housing Association reported an increase of 40 basis points from 2.8% last fall to 3.2% this spring.
HFO Investment Real Estate specializes in multifamily brokerage sales and advisory services for commercial real estate investors and apartment owners throughout Oregon and Washington. Build your legacy at http://www.hfore.com