Portland’s Better Housing By Design Public Hearing is Today @ 5 pm

Portland’s Better Housing By Design Public Hearing is Today @ 5 pm

The Planning and Sustainability Commission will hear testimony on the Better Housing by Design project in person at the hearing and will accept written testimony up to June 25 at 5 p.m.
The public hearing will be held tonight at the PCC SE Campus at SE 82nd & Division. City officials are particularly interested in hearing from people in Portland’s eastern neighborhoods.  
The Proposed Draft includes new rules to guide how new apartments and other larger residential buildings are built. Major topics addressed by the project include:
  • Greater housing options and affordability to meet more housing needs.
  • Outdoor spaces and green elements for children to play, gardening and outdoor gatherings.
  • Building design that helps create pedestrian-friendly streets and respects neighborhood character.
  • East Portland design standards and street connections that respond to the area’s distinct.
  • The Commission wants to hear what community members like about the proposals and think could be improved about the proposed zoning changes for higher density housing development.
PUBLIC HEARING: Better Housing by Design Proposed Draft
Tuesday, June 12,  5 p.m.
Portland Community College Southeast Campus
2305 SE 82nd Avenue
Community Hall Annex 
(the COMX building, located at the western end of the campus along SE Division)

Project staff will be on hand starting at 4 p.m. to help people sign up to testify.
Written testimony may be submitted through the Map App by June 25 at 5 p.m. 
Letters can be sent to:
Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission 
Better Housing Testimony
1900 SW 4th Ave, Suite 7100
Portland, OR 97201
  • Proposed Draft Summary, 8-page summary of the major proposals
  • Volume 1: Staff Report, summary and analysis of the draft Multi-Dwelling Zoning Code and Map amendments
  • Volume 2: Zoning Code Amendments, draft Multi-Dwelling Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan text and commentary
  • Volume 3: Additional Zoning Amendments, additional code amendments updating other zoning code chapters, providing consistency with the core amendments in Volume 2
  • Proposed Draft Summary – Español [Mejor vivienda por diseño – Resumen preliminar propuesto]
For more information about the Proposed Draft:
Visit the project website: http://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/betterhousing    

Helpline: Call 503-823-0195; interpretation services available

Email: betterhousing@portlandoregon.gov
The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability is committed to providing meaningful access. For accommodations, modifications, translation, interpretation or other services, please call 503-823-7700 or use City TTY 503-823-6868, or Oregon Relay Service 711. 503-823-7700.
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