Two Perspectives on SE Portland Apartment Parking

Two Perspectives on SE Portland Apartment Parking

Apartments being developed without parking in SE Portland continues to be a hot topic among neighborhood associations and community advocates.  This month’s issue of The Southeast Examiner offers two perspectives on the issue.

The first is from Lee Perlman, who writes “Some say allowing large new apartments without off-street parking decreases neighborhood livability and endangers business vitality. Others say parking is still available, if not convenient, and parking requirements increase rents and work against City goals.” The full article can be found here.

The second perspective was written by Don MacGillivray, who concluded that “Neighborhoods want a stronger voice in the planning of such projects. This was promised by the City in the Public Involvement Principles adopted in 1996 and 2010.” Don MacGillivray’s story can be found here. (Scroll down.)

MacGillivray points out that these issues will become part of the discussions about the Comprehensive Plan update that is underway.

The first draft of this plan will be available for public review and comment in late 2012 or early 2013.

HFO has been following the ongoing debate over apartments developed without parking spaces.  

The City of Portland invites you to keep up on what is happening with the Apartment Parking Task Force! Click here for updates:

See even more on the subject at the City of Portland website. 

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